Google Cherish aims to improve wellbeing by allowing the user to fully immerse themselves in their micro-moments of joy ︎ 

Answering a self-initiated brief “How might we amplify the potential of technology to connect people to happy places and cherish micro-moments of joy?”


When researching how we can reach the ultimate goal of happiness, I noticed all advice was guiding towards “Aristotles Sublime Beautitudo” which takes a lifetime to achieve. With individuals undergoing unique life experiences and born with unique genes affecting their mental health, I found it inaccessible and unfair to expect this to be achievable for everyone. An study suggested that “happy people do not need to be Pollyanna’s or deny the upsetting parts of life. But these people have the ability to put greater stock in small, happy moments.” (LATimes, 2009). I wanted to consider ways people can cherish the everyday without chasing short term happiness.


This is where I gathered research surrounding cherishing happiness. My key insights were that 29.9% of people often forget happy moment and 80% cherish happy moments by taking photos on their phone. However, most people I spoke to had thousands of photos on their phone and never look at them again.


Google Cherish is a hand-held immersive scrapbook that allows you to cherish moments of joy and relive them through a 360 camera and a 360 projection, 360 microphones and 360 speakers. Google Cherish records a micro-moment of joy for you to re-watch, and relive when you are in your own home, with full 360 visuals and sound. The portability promotes cherishing happy places, which is facilitated through the Google Maps extension. With built in GPS, when you cherish a moment, it will be automatically logged on your Google Maps app so you can revisit the location whenever. It has limited stored moments so each one is truly special.

The Branding

The Packagings 
︎ The Google Cherish sublogo mimics the shape of the product whilst using the Google yellow to highlight the projection use of the product
︎The yellow circles mimic the 360 aspect of the product alongside the existing Google element of the 4 dots
︎My research also suggests that yellow circles best represent happiness when restricted to shapes and colours
︎The size and placement of the yellow dots represents light beams
︎”The new product, to cherish past moments” animated in a Google Doodle advertisment, projecting the nolstagic logo behind the current Google Logo
The packaging aligns with Google’s aims to reduce plastic pollution in the tech industry.

︎Easily flat-pack, for efficient transportation
︎The user manual is printed on the inside to reduce paper
︎The product is protected in transportation with a reusable dust bag, this reduces plastic packaging alongside giving it a longer lifespan as is protected when used portably