Hello, I’m Josie, a multidisciplinary graphic design student with a love of strategy. Devising relevant messages to reach people in the most alluring and interesting way fascinates me, driving me to undertake deep research about how I might engage a particular user and the most efficient routes to do so.

I firmly believe in the transformative power of design to shape society and inspire meaningful change. My commitment is resolute - I strive to craft designs that are not only responsible and sustainable but also deeply rooted in the needs and aspirations of the people they serve. I am always keen to learn new things, explore a range of mediums and embrace all challenges that confront me. If you’re interested in exploring more of my work or to just have a chat, feel free to get in touch at -

Located in Reading, UK 
Achievements ︎

︎ RSA Student Design Awards 2023 Winner
︎ First Class Honours degree in Graphic Design